by Liz Thach, MW
“When I saw the George Floyd tragedy on TV, I wondered what can we do to help here in Lodi?” said Rodney Tipton, Managing Partner of Acquiesce Winery. “After working so many years internationally, I knew that people of color were underrepresented in the wine industry, so that seemed like a logical starting place.”
As a retired manufacturing executive turned winery owner, Tipton was not one to sit around and muse about issues too long. Instead he jumped on the Internet and began searching for people and associations that could provide advice on how he and others in the Lodi wine region could help. One of the first groups to respond to his email was The Roots Fund, a non-profit organization with a mission ‘to invest in communities of color to provide opportunities to those seeking a career/education in all aspect of wine.’ —–> Read More in Forbes